Our Awards
From industry awards for outstanding projects and people, to recognition for our commitment to sustainability and excellence in design, these awards showcase the passion, expertise, and dedication of the Harrison Grierson team.
We are proud to be recognised for our commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability in the field of urban design and engineering.
December 2023
Harrison Grierson was awarded ‘’Best Team Award’’ at the Auckland Property People Awards (run by The Property Company) for our work on the Auckland Zoo’s Southeast Asia Precinct Jungle Track. We partnered with Beca, NZ Strong, Jacobs, Ignite Architects, Studio Hanson Roberts and Stevens Lawson to work on the biggest and most ambitious project in the zoo’s 100-year history. Over six years, the precinct was transformed to emulate the natural environment of the animals, while preserving the integrity of the facility.
Campell McGregor and Mark Crowle were named 2024 Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau fellows.
November 2023
We were part of the team who won gold at the Auckland CCNZ HYNDS Construction Awards for work on the Mairangi Bay Pump Station. Our partners Pipeline & Civil Ltd helped us to create a pump station for the residents of Long Bay, Castor Bay, and Mairangi Bay in Tāmaki Makaurau to give them better drainage and was recognised by award judges for its sustainable design which reduced the need for too much excavation. The small site sure did bring about its challenges - and throw into the mix Covid - but the team came out on top and showcased their design skills and resilience. A great three-year project!
October 2023
We won the Environmental Sustainability Project Award at the 2023 Water NZ Awards for our work with the Lead Alliance on the Te Ara Awataha Greenway Corridor Regeneration in the Auckland suburb of Northcote. An old stream was uncovered connecting the community to the natural taonga, and flooding was reduced as well as water quality improved. 1.5 kilometres of pathways was rejuvenated to better connect parks, the town centre, schools, and homes and providing better walking and cycling places.
September 2023
We partnered with Construkt Architects for Fletcher Living to design Te Uru terraces at Hobsonville Point which won the supreme award at the Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZ Institute of Architects 2023 National Resene Architectural Design Awards.
June 2023
We won the Excellence in Waters category at the 2023 Apopo Awards for our work with the Lead Alliance on the Te Ara Awataha Greenway Corridor Regeneration in the Auckland suburb of Northcote. An old stream was uncovered connecting the community to the natural taonga, and flooding was reduced as well as water quality improved. 1.5 kilometres of pathways was rejuvenated to better connect parks, the town centre, schools, and homes and providing better walking and cycling places.
July 2022
Hannah Payne-Harker is selected as a finalist for the Diversity Works NZ Diversity Champion Award. She was also awarded one of three Te Aranga Alliance value awards for Kotahitanga, which recognised her work on the Bothamley Park Trunk Sewer Upgrade, including leadership and coordination preparing the Fast-Track application and for holding the first hui for specialists for the Alliance at Takapūwāhia Marae, Porirua.
April 2022
Glen Cornelius is appointed Deputy President of Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau, where he has served on Engineering New Zealand’s board for the last year as Vice President.
December 2021
Gillian Crowcroft, Harrison Grierson's Technical Director Environment and a member of the HG Board, is appointed a Freshwater Commissioner by the Minister for the Environment, David Parker.
July 2021
Jonathan Chambers, an Environmental Engineer at Harrison Grierson, wins the Young Engineer of the Year Award at Engineering New Zealand’s ENVI Awards. The judges said, “Jonathan is a real leader in climate change – and is actually working to make a difference.”
May 2021
Glen Cornelius, Harrison Grierson's Managing Director, is appointed Vice President of Engineering New Zealand.
May 2021
Jonathan Chambers wins Young Stormwater Professional of the Year at the Water NZ Stormwater Conference.
July 2019
Harrison Grierson wins the Excellence in Environment and Sustainability Award for the upgrade of the Cromwell Waste Water Treatment Plant project, at the IPWEA NZ Engineering Excellence Awards. This project was carried out for the Central Otago District Council by HG as consultants alongside CH2M Beca, and contractors Fulton Hogan, Downer and Southwater.
July 2019
Harrison Grierson is shortlisted for the Diversity Award and Workplace over 1000m2 Award and receives a Merit Award in the Urban Land Developments category of the Property Council New Zealand Rider Levett Bucknall Property Industry Awards.
March 2017
Harrison Grierson is a finalist in the Best Consulting Engineering Firm (revenue < $50M) category of the Australian Financial Review Client Choice Awards 2017 and is also a finalist in the Talent Development/Management category of the 2017 NZ HR Awards
October 2017
Auckland Transport and HGT2 win the Supreme Award and Innovation Hub Award at the Asia Pacific Cycle Congress for their work on Te Ara Mua – Future Streets, a project that involves making changes to roads and connections in Mangere Central to promote walking and cycling.
June 2016
Harrison Grierson wins two awards, including the Supreme Practice Award and the Best Practice Award, at the New Zealand Planning Institute’s 2016 Awards for their work on the Scott Point Structure Plan and Plan Variation in Auckland
March 2015
Harrison Grierson is a finalist in three categories of the Australian Financial Review Client Choice Awards 2015, including Best Consulting Engineering Firm (revenue under $50m), Best Provider to the Government and Community Sector, and Best New Zealand Firm.
December 2014
Harrison Grierson, Watercare Services Limited, and Fulton Hogan win a Merit Award in the IPENZ Auckland branch’s Arthur Mead Awards for their work on the Kawakawa Bay wastewater scheme.
June 2013
Harrison Grierson and Napier City Council win the "Rodney Davies Project Award" from the New Zealand Planning Institute for their work on the Maraenui Shopping Centre and surrounds, which involved Crime Prevention through Environmental Design.